Thursday, October 28, 2010

Quit not!

First, I want to thank you for your contribution in upholding Salone. Please know that even if you live a hundred years twice told, yet could you not sap the untold layers of potentials tucked away in the sacred chambers of your soul. Therefore, unleashing the most you can is your life’s driving purpose.

You cannot afford to stop short because of challenges that besets you. Nay, heed them not, despise them. Listen to me, despite the power of the sun, there is always darkness on half the planet, it is the balance of the universe, so your trouble set the pace for your triumph.

When you are in your darkest moments and your heart is overwhelmed, know that men of inner principles do not react to outer pressures. When your mind is in panic mode, allow your spirit to override the attitude of your mind and get you back in control.

Shakespeare understood it when he said “our doubts are traitors, and make loose the good we often might win by fearing to attempt”. Salonean, do not rationalize failure, do not make excuses, remember the only way out of a problem is right through the bowels of it. When confronted with a seemingly impossible obstacle, cry out “it shall be done”. Like a valiant knight with a broken sword, hold the forte still. Take the heat as a man should and carve your name in stone. Make mama Salone proud!

Jibateh! Dominion

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