Wednesday, October 20, 2010


L: let’s
B: build
O: our
O: own

At the break of dawn we found ourselves awake in a strange land. Some told the story of how difficult the night was, some bear deep scars that have blotted out forgiveness out of their soul, some have healed wounds but the scar shows and the memory of pain lingers. Some were stuffed with humiliation, inferiority complex and lack of confidence, and this day they’ve melted more than ice. Few bound their hearts to make a mark ─clothed with focus, courage, and determination, and the same sun that melted the iced ones beat their skin, but left them hardened as clay.

Earth is kind! She’s provided a home when we needed one. We took it as ours, worked for it and walked on it, built it as if it were ours. The speck is off our eyes, it’s time to build our own. It’s time for us to return home ─ harken to mama Afrique’s call. The ash she is clothed with itches her skin and she seeks a birth from her sons and daughters.

The onus lies on us ─ dark or fair, old or young, big or small, weak or strong, famous or anonymous, illiterate or super-educated, rich, poor or somewhere in between . . . this movement brings us together for the some reason. We come to gain a better understanding of ourselves and our future. All the while we’ve left our work to chance but now we have made a choice.
Our leaders once traded us to a strange land out of ignorance─ with struggle in disagreement we left knowing that the unique resource we need to transform our nation is between our ears.

LBOO is a bonding that exudes a divine passion sparking a collective movement not driven by the dictates of politics, religion, ethnicity, or class, but by our inner spirits and mind strength. We dare to die for the truth we believe, dare to risk all to get more. We dare to build our own, few men do!

I am Jibateh! Join me

LBOO building minds and transforming nations
Vision 2010 and beyond.

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