Saturday, December 25, 2010

Be inspired to serve!

The responsibility of service is the key to greatness. Do not let the desire to have be your driving force in life because when your goal is to render quality service, your greatness is inevitable.

Greed, however, is the ambition for gain and inordinate desire to amass wealth for oneself. Greed has stopped many from serving the nation and people as they should. Refuse to yield yourself to it, don’t let it rule your life, business, trade or profession; rather, be motivated by the joy of service.

Be inspired by the importance and relevance of your job or business towards the good of Sierra Leone. Make yourself needed, relevant and indispensable to your generation by choosing to serve, for this is the luminous path to greatness-our collective greatness and Sierra Leone’s glory.

Let’s build our own.

I am Jibateh! Salonean

Uphold Salone!

We are God’s conduit on earth. God chose us to be His change agents in Sierra Leone ─come thy kingdom lord, be done thy will; you no longer walk physically among us; But your mandate you gave to us and all the power we need to carry it out.

We exude the influence and benefit of Gods kingdom wherever we go. The challenge is, our receivers don’t always work ─ it takes faith to believe that this project is God’s instruction, just as it takes faith to believe that an unseen radio wave is passing through your living room. Because we are confident of that reality, we tune in, receive and transmit.

Strangers will not build Salone for us; Salone’s glory is going to be regained through us.
Let’s build our own. {LBOO}

I am Jibateh! Join me

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Quit not!

First, I want to thank you for your contribution in upholding Salone. Please know that even if you live a hundred years twice told, yet could you not sap the untold layers of potentials tucked away in the sacred chambers of your soul. Therefore, unleashing the most you can is your life’s driving purpose.

You cannot afford to stop short because of challenges that besets you. Nay, heed them not, despise them. Listen to me, despite the power of the sun, there is always darkness on half the planet, it is the balance of the universe, so your trouble set the pace for your triumph.

When you are in your darkest moments and your heart is overwhelmed, know that men of inner principles do not react to outer pressures. When your mind is in panic mode, allow your spirit to override the attitude of your mind and get you back in control.

Shakespeare understood it when he said “our doubts are traitors, and make loose the good we often might win by fearing to attempt”. Salonean, do not rationalize failure, do not make excuses, remember the only way out of a problem is right through the bowels of it. When confronted with a seemingly impossible obstacle, cry out “it shall be done”. Like a valiant knight with a broken sword, hold the forte still. Take the heat as a man should and carve your name in stone. Make mama Salone proud!

Jibateh! Dominion

I am Sierra Leone!

No matter what the world thinks about Salone, we are a people one with a faith that wisdom inspires. No matter the defining sentences and opinions she is judged by, we are one with a zeal that never tires.

Together we pledge our devotion, our strength and our might. Likewise to defend and to fight for our right. Ours is labour and thine is the fame, deep down we seek to honour thine name . . . you’re the land that we love, our Sierra Leone.

Let’s build our own. {LBOO}

I am Jibateh! Join me

Reveal! Salone

The world will celebrate you Salonean, if you celebrate yourself and cherish your own. No one will build or love Salone the way you will. Our colonial masters will not till our soils for us. Long have I pondered what the masters sought, for I seek not to imitate them.

These are the turbulent days, and the enemy seem stronger, our task looks too tedious and the future too bleak, but there’s hope because in Salone, it doesn’t cost a thing to smile and we don’t pay to laugh.

There are few answers to the many questions we ask ourselves, but one thing am sure of, is that our solution lies in us. We are the right ingredient for this metamorphosis and we are just the right number to shake the world. We are few, very few but the ugly caterpillar will be a beautiful butterfly someday, and will reach stunning altitudes.

Keep in mind that as we walk hand-in-hand towards Salone’s glory the test will come by those voices that would want to divide us and have us turn our back on one another but divided we fell, united we’ll stand

Safety is not life Salonean, adventure is

I am Jibateh! Dominion

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Mount Oriel Terrace, Salone

Our street will make you feel brand-new, the trees will inspire you and there is nothing positive you won’t be able to do.

Iron stones, uncovered pipes, rocky pathways, big hearts, big dreams, cute minds and more are what you will find lurking behind every corner. From the top you have a beautiful view of the gorgeous river Rokel.

I use to lift weight with my dude, Turtle, at easy corner. Easy corner is a spot where many things happen ─ ladies stare out of despair and fellas blaze out of frustration-with government policies that drive the people nuts and still inspire them to hold the forte.

I assure you that the finest and most passionate souls in Sierra Leone are birth and breaded on the hillside. Individuals stuff with divine gall in a class of their own, that can face any class.

We never had much money but with love we’ve been rich, and we grow wealthier as we sniff through God’s word into the limelight of eternity. My residence is blaque and my back yard too ─ “24 will street”- a compound where people who believe big dwell. For us every thought that crosses our minds and every image-nation we create can be reality ─ we see possibility in the problems we encounter, and turn them to platforms for our victories in life. That’s who we are, hill-siders . . . Sierra Leoneans.

This is my birth place, you’re welcome.

I am Jibateh! Your host

Write about your hood and post it on the group’s wall, be proud of your own!

Uphold Salone

Our calling

We are God’s conduit on earth. God chose us to be His change agents in Sierra Leone ─come thy kingdom lord, be done thy will; you no longer walk physically among us; But your mandate you gave to us and all the power we need to carry it out.

We exude the influence and benefit of Gods kingdom wherever we go. The challenge is, our receivers don’t always work ─ it takes faith to believe that this project is God’s instruction, just as it takes faith to believe that an unseen radio wave is passing through your living room. Because we are confident of that reality, we tune in, receive and transmit.

Strangers will not build Salone for us; Salone’s glory is going to be regained through us.
Let’s build our own. {LBOO}

I am Jibateh! Join me

Reveal! Salone

The world will celebrate you Salonean, if you celebrate yourself and cherish your own. No one will build or love Salone the way you will. Our colonial masters will not till our soils for us. Long have I pondered what the masters sought, for I seek not to imitate them.

These are the turbulent days, and the enemy seem stronger, our task looks too tedious and the future too bleak, but there’s hope because in Salone, it doesn’t cost a thing to smile and we don’t pay to laugh.

There are few answers to the many questions we ask ourselves, but one thing am sure of, is that our solution lies in us. We are the right ingredient for this metamorphosis and we are just the right number to shake the world. We are few, very few but the ugly caterpillar will be a beautiful butterfly someday, and will reach stunning altitudes.

Keep in mind that as we walk hand-in-hand towards Salone’s glory the test will come by those voices that would want to divide us and have us turn our back on one another but divided we fell, united we’ll stand

Safety is not life Salonean, adventure is

I am Jibateh! Dominion


L: let’s
B: build
O: our
O: own

At the break of dawn we found ourselves awake in a strange land. Some told the story of how difficult the night was, some bear deep scars that have blotted out forgiveness out of their soul, some have healed wounds but the scar shows and the memory of pain lingers. Some were stuffed with humiliation, inferiority complex and lack of confidence, and this day they’ve melted more than ice. Few bound their hearts to make a mark ─clothed with focus, courage, and determination, and the same sun that melted the iced ones beat their skin, but left them hardened as clay.

Earth is kind! She’s provided a home when we needed one. We took it as ours, worked for it and walked on it, built it as if it were ours. The speck is off our eyes, it’s time to build our own. It’s time for us to return home ─ harken to mama Afrique’s call. The ash she is clothed with itches her skin and she seeks a birth from her sons and daughters.

The onus lies on us ─ dark or fair, old or young, big or small, weak or strong, famous or anonymous, illiterate or super-educated, rich, poor or somewhere in between . . . this movement brings us together for the some reason. We come to gain a better understanding of ourselves and our future. All the while we’ve left our work to chance but now we have made a choice.
Our leaders once traded us to a strange land out of ignorance─ with struggle in disagreement we left knowing that the unique resource we need to transform our nation is between our ears.

LBOO is a bonding that exudes a divine passion sparking a collective movement not driven by the dictates of politics, religion, ethnicity, or class, but by our inner spirits and mind strength. We dare to die for the truth we believe, dare to risk all to get more. We dare to build our own, few men do!

I am Jibateh! Join me

LBOO building minds and transforming nations
Vision 2010 and beyond.