Thursday, May 29, 2014

Reclaiming Sierra Leone’s Glory Part I

In the beginning the Supreme Architect of the universe said ‘’ Let there be The Realm of the Free!’’. The waters isolated the land; dust took form; the stones cleaved together—forming enormous rocks; and a certain rumble in a jungle geographically located in Eastern earth and precisely in the Wastern Region of a distinguish borough called Afriqueka—was the climax in the course. Then a certain materialisation of hills, vallies and mountainous miracles began to appear. They forged and formed pathways that gave way to a fabrication in the like of a lion.

It is the glory of the Supreme Architect of the universe to conceal a matter, and the duty of kings to search it out. A young explorer by the name Pedro de Sintra, who was in a cute transitory mode, had a divine and equally predestined glance at this distinct land robed with hills and mountains likened to the grand master, Leo Leo. He exclaimed fiercely ‘’ Sierra Lyoa!’’ a Portugees term which means—a mountain with the shape of a lion—the young Pedro de Sintra couldn’t help it but returned to his compatriots and their allies to break this incredible news; the year was 1462. Subsiquently, the British with their bogus attitude and larger-than-life manner of doing things, hearing the news Pedro de Sintra spread, took to their heels to claim the said land and deceived the inhabitants whom out of sheer British influence coined with slim slices of ignorance and ignoble deeds, embraced the English version of Sierra Lyoa, as Sierra Leone. And now in the same darkness we brandish this foreign proclamation (not the nomenclature but bravura) as part and parcel of our indigenous configuration.

Before I you read further I must warn that this is not your everyday piece which nurses you to accept the norm and clinches your fist to the status quo. I write for the uncommon soul, the out-of-the-box thinking individuals; compatriot or ally. I write for the exceptional few who have set themselves apart to set the tone of this generation. These men have seen a transcending vision of conquering glory; hence they conduct themselves with an incredible sense of responsibility in a bid to renovate Sierra Leone.

Walking among these men, you become instantly aware that they are guided by a superior perspective of life. The sad part is that they are in short supply. And it is not hard to see why. We mostly live in a survival mode in Sierra Leone, wanting first to survive before we attempt the "incredible". We are more concerned about today's lunch, than about some distant future that may never come for all we know. This concern is legitimate! It makes sense that every Sierra Leonean child should go to school and get a good job and raise a nice family and "become somebody”. I mean who will argue against those nice virtues of that quiet student, who doesn't make a noise in class, always punctual and civil, a very good boy or girl, the teacher's favourite, does everything s/he is told, does not challenge what the elders say, accept the teacher's opinion on the subject as the final gospel, gets a good grade, joins the civil service, rise to the rank of supervising officer, retires at 60 with a nice pension and a vintage spot at the old people's home. This is such a nice story. And if this story looks like what you want for yourself, kindly pause here and quit reading this article, no offense, you are not my audience.

I write strictly for that X-generation young people with bleeding geniuses for creativity. 82 people die every minute, several millions every year; mention how many of those you know. But, the world stood still when John F. Kennedy fell to the Assassin’s bullet; the world mourned when the great Martin Luther King Jr. drowned in the pool of his own blood as the assailant's blow found him; the universe shook and the skies wept when Nelson Mandela bade farewell after a leading a legendary life and recently, we delved into a staid mood as we celebrate the life and legacy of our beloved former President, Alhaji Dr. Ahmed Tejan Kabbah, the Voltron of Sierra Leone. I could go on, but the point is Originals don’t go down unnoticed. And this is the path I have chosen to engage you continuously till we rebirth that once held endearing desire—for utmost growth & development-- for the land that we love; till we achieve a national epiphany that would spur a matchless transformation which would propel Sierra Leone to the pinnacle of prosperity as we diligently implement that current national agenda.

And one thing should be spelt out conspicuosly; we don’t solve a problem when we ignore it. The only way out of a problem is right through the bowels of it. Some of us will quit, some men will stop short for legitimate reasons; some will grow weary, some will look on in indifference and some will know all the reasons we cannot achive the Sierra Leone we envisage. But there abide a few compatriots who will not for the fear of defeat fail to attempt. The blue-blooded individuals who pay no mind to distraction, whether infinitessimal or humongous; but would remain focus on the goal with a self motivating engine that would cause them to get up when they fall, adjust the sail when the wind gets rough and tear down walls of obstacle seeking to prevent them from accomplishing their desired Sierra Leone.

These are pure patriotic Sierra Leoneans who have resolve to defy their doubts and ignore their limitations---bearing in mind that safety is not the goal of life; adventure is! And to these rare breed of compatriots I invoke this jingoistic lines:

One with a faith that wisdom inspires,
One with a zeal that never tires;
Ever we seek to honour thy name;
Ours is the labour, thine the fame.
We pray that no harm on thy children may fall,
That blessing and peace may descend on us all;
So may we serve thee ever alone.
Land that we love, our Sierra Leone.

Indeed, their place will never be among those cold and timid souls who know nothing of victory or honest defeat. Upon the shoulders of such men the future of Sierra Leone now rests.

Paul Jibateh is a conceptual theorist.
He from Freetown, Sierra Leone.
Tel: +232 (25) 252-879


Sunday, August 7, 2011


 Every generation has it defining moments; ours is here! We can’t control time but we can manage our lives and impact the world with the investment of our excellent personalities. Our greatness is not in the definition of our assignments, but in the quality of our spirits and the excellence of our character.

This is coming on the heels of very difficult and complicating circumstances that have engulfed our nation. We are at the time of our lives when we must be able to distinguish between want and need. It is no longer business as usual compatriots. Brace yourself!

This is the time for extreme prudence, wise conduct, frank talk and continued and persistent refocusing and redirecting of our human and material resources to ensure continuity and presence in every sphere in the land that we love. Howbeit, in the midst of all these vicissitudes, God’s promise for us is sure. {Jeremiah 17v8}

The world is reading Sierra Leone wrongly. The world has not seen Sierra Leone yet; what they see is the apology of the alteration of the documents of our founding fathers. Yet, the sacred creed lingers still in our hearts and our conviction grows stronger to make Salone the envy of the world.

Limitation means nothing to us. Impossibility is a word that is not found in the dictionary of a Salonean, for the new Salonean believes whatever good crosses his minds is possible to achieve. Thus, he takes responsibility for his life with God’s help, because he has consciously realised that heaven helps those who act. This makes the rumbling in the sacred chambers of his heart be:

One with a faith that wisdom inspires,
One with a zeal that never tires, 
Ever we seek to honour thy name.
Ours is the labour and thine is the fame”

Step out of the shadow and contribute positively to the progress of Mama Salone, compatriot . . . the future starts now, maximize every moment!

Let’s build our own!

Friday, April 29, 2011

JUBILEE SALONIA . . .the way forward?

It is special one compatriot; our golden jubilee! It is another step towards reclaiming the Sierra Leone of our dreams. April 27th, every year should be a day for sober reflection on the choices we’ve made, and the ones yet to be, and the path we’ve chosen in our great journey. It shouldn’t be a day for senseless merriment and silly pleasures. Rather, it should be a day we renew our commitments to a course greater than we are; thus hand-in-hand we must walk, side by side we should run, as we recoup a glory greater than that which Salone once had.

Flaming this course was not easy for our founding fathers. It wasn’t easy for them to carve a creed for our lands and our hearts, neither was it easy for them to proclaim a platform on which we now thrive. But because of the high level of tenacity, maturity, commitment, and faith they depicted on this like course; today we chant songs of freedom, while their names echo in the Lion Mountains leaving behind ageless memories and a legacy so profound in the hearts of true Saloneans, of a course so dear. Indeed; their works are immortal!

So it was in time; and here we are today faced with our own mountains. We can’t afford to peter out of these enormous tasks. It wasn’t easy for our founding fathers, and frankly; it won’t be for us either. And it might never be for generations yet unborn, because even gold is not refine in cold; it must face the furnace. Life is not fair; it’s just! Alas! Some will fold when pressure sets in, others will melt like the ice when heated, and end up nowhere. But the uncommon few with a battle marked resolve to create solutions and pave the way for an innovative, productive, and prosperous Salone; will have their names carved in stone. And the Lion Mountains will forever reecho and cry in memory of their molten souls.

With a superior perspective, “nowhere” can be fixed as “now-here”. And when positive change sets in, the perplexed, and bemused, would not stop short because challenges beset them. They will bind their hearts to make a mark, and lead a life that gives to live. With a passionate resolve, they will make a choice to pull their will and wits against nature’s fury and leave behind not luxuries that expire, but legacies that will inspire untold generations. Their passion is their permission! Indeed, these ones are rare gem; new Saloneans; freemen!
“Be the change you desire to see in Sierra Leone

Happy Independence, compatriots! Lead the change.

Jibateh! Maximus

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Be inspired to serve!

The responsibility of service is the key to greatness. Do not let the desire to have be your driving force in life because when your goal is to render quality service, your greatness is inevitable.

Greed, however, is the ambition for gain and inordinate desire to amass wealth for oneself. Greed has stopped many from serving the nation and people as they should. Refuse to yield yourself to it, don’t let it rule your life, business, trade or profession; rather, be motivated by the joy of service.

Be inspired by the importance and relevance of your job or business towards the good of Sierra Leone. Make yourself needed, relevant and indispensable to your generation by choosing to serve, for this is the luminous path to greatness-our collective greatness and Sierra Leone’s glory.

Let’s build our own.

I am Jibateh! Salonean

Uphold Salone!

We are God’s conduit on earth. God chose us to be His change agents in Sierra Leone ─come thy kingdom lord, be done thy will; you no longer walk physically among us; But your mandate you gave to us and all the power we need to carry it out.

We exude the influence and benefit of Gods kingdom wherever we go. The challenge is, our receivers don’t always work ─ it takes faith to believe that this project is God’s instruction, just as it takes faith to believe that an unseen radio wave is passing through your living room. Because we are confident of that reality, we tune in, receive and transmit.

Strangers will not build Salone for us; Salone’s glory is going to be regained through us.
Let’s build our own. {LBOO}

I am Jibateh! Join me

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Quit not!

First, I want to thank you for your contribution in upholding Salone. Please know that even if you live a hundred years twice told, yet could you not sap the untold layers of potentials tucked away in the sacred chambers of your soul. Therefore, unleashing the most you can is your life’s driving purpose.

You cannot afford to stop short because of challenges that besets you. Nay, heed them not, despise them. Listen to me, despite the power of the sun, there is always darkness on half the planet, it is the balance of the universe, so your trouble set the pace for your triumph.

When you are in your darkest moments and your heart is overwhelmed, know that men of inner principles do not react to outer pressures. When your mind is in panic mode, allow your spirit to override the attitude of your mind and get you back in control.

Shakespeare understood it when he said “our doubts are traitors, and make loose the good we often might win by fearing to attempt”. Salonean, do not rationalize failure, do not make excuses, remember the only way out of a problem is right through the bowels of it. When confronted with a seemingly impossible obstacle, cry out “it shall be done”. Like a valiant knight with a broken sword, hold the forte still. Take the heat as a man should and carve your name in stone. Make mama Salone proud!

Jibateh! Dominion

I am Sierra Leone!

No matter what the world thinks about Salone, we are a people one with a faith that wisdom inspires. No matter the defining sentences and opinions she is judged by, we are one with a zeal that never tires.

Together we pledge our devotion, our strength and our might. Likewise to defend and to fight for our right. Ours is labour and thine is the fame, deep down we seek to honour thine name . . . you’re the land that we love, our Sierra Leone.

Let’s build our own. {LBOO}

I am Jibateh! Join me